Friday, September 2, 2016

Day 6 (Friday)

     Today most of us played the sport we signed up for. Most of us lost in our respective game but we did get two winners from our group. I know personally that we got destroyed by the Danes in basketball but it did it make it any less fun.
     After that we went to Tivoli Gardens and had an amazing time. From roller coasters like the airplanes (Vertigo), the golden tower, the "red rollercoaster" (Daemon)... After our first round of rides, we went to a restaurant with possibly the worst service we have ever seen. We had to walk up and carry our food down, the person taking our order was impatient, and the food was not clearly labled. After that we went on our second and final round of rollercoasters. After our first ride, I stopped to tie my shoes and when I looked back up everyone was gone. Getting lost in Tivoli is very interesting because I couldnt find any maps so just had to guess where the rollercoasters were. I did however remember someone saying what rollercoaster they wanted to go to so I just went there. It took a liyyle while but I found everyone and most of rode our last 2 roller coasters and went home. Everyone was so tired because it was late and we did so much that day. Tivoli was an amazing experience that will be very hard for me to ever forget.

- Kenny

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Day 5 (Thursday)

Our exciting day began in English class where we split into groups to debate various topics.   It was very interesting to have been required to argue our point of view.  These topics included uniform regulations , various forms of education,controversial laws. Etc.  The groups were required to organize themselves to work together  to prepare for our debate. One person was asked to summarize our argument, another researched statistics to support our position and one person addressed  questions from the class. I really enjoyed being able to look at arguments from different perspectives.  It was also a great way to
get to know more of the students at the school !!!!
    The second half of the morning, we observed presentations from another class. One group presented their experiences from a service trip to Hawaii over the summer.   In addition to service, they studied ways to improve certain aspects of student life.  We also listened to a fascinating presentation about underdeveloped countries. We were once again divided into small groups to brainstorm about how we could make a difference in our ever changing world.
    Our afternoon was filled with excitement when we visited Copenhagen 's beautiful beach.   We all had so much fun playing volleyball, soccer, and burying Jason in the sand. 😜.  Although we were sad to see this great day come to an end,we are all so excited to share what is yet to come during the rest of our time in Denmark!!!
